The Lola Flash portrait
17/04/17 18:56

An interview with the photographer Lola Flash.
“her [sur]passing series considers the question of “pigmentocracy,” a work she describes as cathartic for a light skinned person who has had to answer the interrogative, “Are you black?” Read More...
On Marlon James
06/01/14 22:00

A conversation with Jamaican photographer Marlon James, currently living and working in Trinidad and Tobago. Read More...
Noel and Mary Norton on Trinidad's Carnival
04/02/13 20:32
This interview with Noel and Mary Norton appeared in the book Noel Norton’s 20 Years of Trinidad Carnival , published in 1990 and currently out of print. Given the travails of modern Carnival, it is reproduced here as a reference point for how little has changed since then. Read More...
Laura Ferreira on Copyright
13/02/12 20:35
The full text of my e-mail interview with Laura Ferreira about a recent copyright infringement incident. Read More...