A perspective on Macqueripe
29/12/16 22:14 Filed in: Musing

A collection of photographs shot at Chaguaramas, more specifically in Macqueripe and the smartphones that enabled a continuing examination of this space. Read More...
The road to Instagram
26/04/16 14:17 Filed in: Musing
Commentary about Carnival since 2009
15/02/15 01:14 Filed in: Opinion
Exhausted by the relentless stupidity of the preparations and execution of Carnival 2015, I offered instead a round up of recent stories, columns and blog posts on the subject which remain depressingly relevant. Read More...
A kinda legacy
14/10/14 10:33 Filed in: Review

A review of the book We Kind ah People featuring rate and largely unseen photographs of the bands of Stephen Lee Heung by George Tang and text by Ray Funk.